Haley: age 3 Haley Jane and I took a longer time than everyone else at the Boston Aquarium because we were admiring every detail of every exhibit. After watching the jellyfish glide for a long time, I remarked, "Wow...God is such a great artist." She agreed. "Yeah...He's even better than Mr. Disney." Read More
Darcy: Age 2 Colby ordered a book about the life of Squanto for the girls this Thanksgiving and we have been reading it over and over again. They were intrigued about his kidnapping, and it led to some pretty interesting conversations. When we arrived at the playground today, my four year old unbuckled and jumped out of her seat to run towards the entrance where an innocent Father was escorting his daughter in. When Darcy, who was getting out of her seat, saw the sketchy scene, she had Read More
Haley Jane: Age 4 Tonight's Bible story came from 2 Kings 5, "Now Naaman was commander of the army of the king of Aram. He was a great man in the sight of his master and highly regarded, because through him the LORD had given victory to Aram. He was a valiant soldier, but he had leprosy." Haley Jane: "Mommy, do you know why he had leprosy?" Me: "Why, honey?" Haley Jane (with a 'this is so obvious' look): "He didn't get his shots." Read More
Darcy: age 2 Darcy has heard us talking a lot recently about moving. Today the big day finally arrived. Everything was finally packed and the keys were handed over to our renters. After taking it in for months and months, she finally busted out with her opinion while we were driving away from the house: "Oh no! OW HOUSE is MOOOSing! Bettew go home and get it! It. IS. MOOSing!!!" Read More
Underwear & Theology
Darcy: Age 2 Sunday was a rough day as both my husband and I started to feel severe flu-like symptoms. We didn't feel like finishing our lunch and went to bed where we set up "Enchanted" for our kids to watch. Twenty minutes later, my two year old, Darcy, was throwing up her lunch all over me, the portable DVD player, and the bed. I cleaned up the entire mess myself, even though I dry-heaved a few times. A couple hours later I was on my hands and knees nearly done sanitizing Read More
Too late
Haley Jane: Age 3 Recently we've been reading stories about the life of Jesus to our Haley Jane, so naturally the topic of death has come up. Little Haley had even more an opportunity to wrestle with this difficult topic when a man we knew passed away this year. After the funeral service, the church provided a nice meal in the church fellowship hall. During the meal an elderly man with wild, white eyebrows and matching white hair came up to the table to greet everyone and stopped to pat Read More
Haley Jane One-liners
Haley Jane: Age 3 (After playing outside on a hot playground): "Can we go inside and cold-up?" (As I'm helping Haley put on her shirt in the morning): "MOM!! Don't BREAK my ARMPIT!" (At the breakfast table listening to baby Darcy babble "Die-Die-Die-Die-Die"): "Mom, Darcy says she wants you to die." (My response: "I don't think that's what she means, honey.") (As Daddy walks in the front door): "Daddy's home! Hi Daddy... I ALMOST missed you." (Peeking her head in my bathroom, loaded Read More
Horror of Horrors
Haley Jane: Age 3 Haley: "Mama, can I wear a dress?" Me: "Haley, you already have a dress on." Haley (starting to get choked up): "But....(stammering through tears)....I CAN'T wear THE SAME dress ALL....DAY......LONG!" Read More
Favorite T-shirt
Haley Jane: Age 3 1/2 Haley got a new Ariel t-shirt recently and asks to wear it almost every day. Even though he lets her watch The Little Mermaid, Colby isn't the biggest fan of this Disney princess because she's got an attitude with her Daddy in the movie. So, today in Wal-Mart, an elderly man saw Haley (with the shirt on of course), stopped, bent over so he was eye-level with her, smiled, pointed at her shirt, and asked kindly if she liked Ariel. She shrugged and responded, "Yeah... but Read More
Call Social Services
Haley Jane: age 3 Haley and Darcy came back from Pennsylvania today where Grammy and Papa watched them for a week. Haley returned with a big scratch near her eye that was apparently the result of a collision with a table. Tonight at church, Miss Gayle asked what happened to her eye and Haley nonchalantly replied, "Oh, I don't know....I think someone beat me up." Read More