Let me begin this post by saying that in the Garman family I grew up in we learned that one never should allow a contender in any contest to beat you just because you think winning may hurt their feelings. I always thought it was a dignified maxim and I still do. When someone beats you, you want them to be able to know that they beat you at your best game, not that you went easy so it would be close.One distant memory from my childhood that illustrates what can happen as a result of this Read More
I love bike riding
We went biking with the girls last night at Forest Park and today on the bike trail in D.C. Here are pictures from our adventures along the way. Read More
I miss my girls!!!
Hang on, girls...the interview conference will be over tomorrow....we'll be home soon!! Read More
Step One: Interview Conference
Well, the long awaited time has finally come. This week was our Interview Conference for overseas service in Iceland. We arrived on Tuesday to meet with a Counselor to talk through life situations and assess our preparedness for the field. It was an intense two hour session, but we felt very comfortable with the session and the counselor let us know that he would be giving a good recommendation on our behalf. The main portion of the conference began after dinner. There are 171 people meeting Read More
The Idolatrous Parent
A good post from my wise husband: I was reading an article by Paul Tripp this morning and a paragraph compelled me to take a moment and reflect on my life as a parent. Article Thesis: While much of the advice and instruction available for Parents focuses on behavior, "The Bible says that our situations and relationships are merely the occasions in which our hearts express themselves". Therefore, behavioral conflicts with our children provide the parent with opportunities to address the Read More
Haley takes some time to ‘Paws for Reading’
Hats off to the Porter Library and Robin the Dog for encouraging reading!!! Read More
Dirty Darcy and Hygienic Haley
I cannot believe these two children are both mine. Their opposite reactions to the playground perfectly display the different extremes of their personalities. Darcy's reaction is quite obvious based on the picture. Haley has actually gotten quite a bit better. Last year at this time, she refused to step foot on the playgroup in fear that the sand and dirt would corrupt her feet. This week Darcy broke her in and she stooped down to touch the dirt that so mesmerized her sister. Immediately, Read More
Sin as the Context for Resurrection celebration.
I want to encourage everyone to read todayss USA Today article on sin found here. Then have a gander over here at the Pilgrim in DC.I thought they were a good combo read today on a seldom discussed subject. Read More
Reading Recommendations: Part Deux
Here is the second installment of books that I have read that have left enough of a mark on me that I still remember them regularly. In college I remember hearing several times that the books we read and the people we spend our time with will most determine who we are 10 years from now. I think it is true.11. The Resurrection of the Son of God (N.T. Wright) - Theology and Biblical Studies, Advanced Reading Level12. My Name is Asher Lev (Chaim Potok) - Fiction, a enthralling tale about a Hasidic Read More
Reading Recommendations
Kelly Driggers asked me for a reading list and I thought I would start a multi-segment blog series on the topic of books I have read and highly recommend. I will categorize the books and give them a reading level if necessary. I will be putting the books out there in no order but based on how they come to my memory.1. To the Golden Shore: The Life of Adoniram Judson (Courtney Andersen) - Biography2. The Godly Man's Picture (Thomas Watson, Puritan Paperbacks) - Christian Practice3. The Reason for Read More