Last night Nonny arrived for her-8th annual-February visit. We had a fun day opening presents, showing off toys, and playing in the snow...Poor Nonny....on Monday I told her that it was almost 70 degrees, so she packed capri's and got geared up for her "spring break." Too bad the Wisconsin weather followed her here. Read More
This is getting out of control…
Ode to my husband
This post goes out to the love of my life, Colby John. Colby wins Super Dad/Husband of the Year Award for his amazing ability to juggle child-care duties while working from home, grocery shopping, cooking, kitchen clean-up, vacuuming, changing the sheets, and late-night drives to CVS for NyQuil. He even offered to wash my hair for me because I was too weak. (I'll let his comment, "Wow...whatever weight you've lost this week being sick you've gained in hair grease" slide). He was even willing Read More
A Good Word
So, Colby is reading a Puritan Paperback's reading list this year. The other day he read a quote to me out of The Bruised Reed by Richard Sibbes. I have been chewing on it for quite some time now and thought it was blog-worthy. The devil and his instruments would soon devour the servants of God...if He did not cover them with the golden feathers of His protection (Psalms 91:4). God's watchful eye is always on his people, and the enemies shall not do the mischief they intend; they shall not be Read More
Call Guinness
Haley Jane went to bed last night at 9:00p.m. and DID NOT WAKE UP TILL 5:00 P.M. today!! I thought for sure she had died. When Colby came home for lunch, he was surprised that I hadn't checked on her at all. I told him, 1) I was afraid I would find her dead, and 2) if she was, in fact, alive, she must really need the rest. Colby checked on her (found her breathing), and tried to wake her up so she could eat breakfast (and lunch). She opened her eyes and asked if she could go back to sleep. Read More
What Would Annie Do?
So, last night was date night in Old Town Fredericksburg. After a wonderful meal with a two-for-one coupon at Primavera, we decided to take a walk around downtown and burn some calories. As we passed Castiglia's, I noticed an older man sitting on a park bench. He had old, worn boots and jeans and looked slightly disheveled. I immediately thought of the message on Sunday about being aware of the needy people around us and wanted to do something for him. Instead, I made excuses and kept Read More
Tracking the icecream cone progress
See earlier post if you're confused Read More
Livin’ on the Edge
Colby thought it would be fun to give Darcy her first belly tattoo. He's hoping to get it out of her system early. (Sorry, Dad). Read More
Darcy Doodle
Darcy Lane is quite the interesting creature. Maybe every little kid is like her, but she is ALWAYS into SOMETHING. And when NOTHING is available, she creatively invents SOMETHING for entertainment. Take for instance, the shoe...Notice her lunch stuffed in it. Or the lighter that she turned into a phone. Need a hat? There's always your shorts. Of course, there's the toilet seat that became her new necklace. What a rascal. Read More
The Packers Devastating Loss
A post by my husband: My wife hates football. To the best of my knowledge she has never watched an entire game on TV. When I met her I had to explain to her that downs were something like "tries". Sunday evening I came home from church and told her that I was going to watch the Packers and the Giants. I must say that I really have not had a favorite football team since Jimmy Johnson left the Cowboys, but I have been pulling for the Pack since about December. As the game drew near to the end of Read More