Since Stafford County had spring break this week, Elizabeth and Arianna decided to sleepover Sunday night. It was a very exciting event for my girls and Haley Jane insisted on sleeping in Darcy's closet to add to the festivities. I couldn't think of any good reason not to let her. Although there was a little scuffle in the middle of the night (another story for later), all went well. After having their weekly "kitty club" meeting in the basement (they have a pledge, a song, and Read More
“Out of the mouths of babes”….literally and figuratively
1.Yesterday we were at the playground and I noticed Darcy hunched over stuffing something in her mouth. I was on it right away..."Darcy, come here right now and take it out." She opened her mouth and saliva mixed with 5 colorful BB gun pellets emerged. She smiled and said, "Pah-bah-poo." When will it end? 2.Tonight at dinner, Colby started randomly singing "Praise God to whom all blessings flow." After the line, "Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," Haley Jane, with a furrowed brow asked, Read More
New Tradition
Painting Easter eggs together was a fun family activity, but hopefully as the girls get older it will be a little less stressful of an activity (DARCY....NO!!!...DON'T DRINK THE DYE!!). Easter Sunday we did the traditional hunt out in the backyard and then ate the hard-boiled eggs for lunch. I like the new tradition...the last thing I feel like doing is cooking a big meal after a long morning at church. After everyone took a nap, we went to the Fauth's for a wonderful dinner and another Read More
Annie Gets Therapy
This week I was at Liberty University for a one-week intensive: COUN 321. Class was so much fun. Every morning we had lectures, and every afternoon we had practice time in small groups using our techniques. One afternoon, I played the client and the whole class practiced their counseling skills on me. Since I have a plethora to choose from, I decided to use a real-life scenario instead of making one up. You have to understnad, I have had a chronic problem since childhood. It actually Read More
“Out of the mouths of babes…”
I have decided to write reoccurring posts about the cute things my kids say. Those posts will always be titled "Out of the mouths of babes," referring to the Psalm, "Out of the mouths of babes He has ordained praise."1.) Haley Jane is ridiculously particular. If you have been around her for more than 10 minutes you have realized this. She is incredibly precise and has recently begun critiquing my driving. Ever since she learned that s-t-o-p means STOP she has harassed me for not coming to a Read More
Annie’s Version of Things
I'm taking a break from homework to comment on Colby's post "Little Miss Thrifty." I have several things to say about this topic.1. My grandmother, Alice Brogan Sylwester, was raised during the Great Depression and was significantly impacted by it. This, in turn, affected the way she raised her children and her children's children. My obsession with saving pennies has been commonly referred to as the "Sylwester gene." My mother has it worse than me. She cuts open lotion/shampoo/detergent Read More
In the last week, I have written a 15 page paper, studied 400 pages worth of material for a test, and started another class. For those of you who don't know, I am taking counseling classes through Liberty University's distance learning program. If God continues to give me the grace and strength, I will have my master's degree in professional counseling in a few years. I have an "intensive" on March 17-March 21 at Liberty. The instructor gave us three books, and said that if we didn't have the 15 Read More
I have heard many mothers describe their little boys as being "all boy."I know Darcy is physiologically a girl...but she is ALL BOY. Not only does she love the mud and dirt (unlike her "first born" sister)...This kid is just tough. Take this evening for example. Colby watched the girls so I could go for a long run before dinner. She apparently landed face-first on the coffee table from a standing position on the couch. Colby admitted to me that he was brought to tears as he cleaned up the Read More
“You let her do WHAT?”
Last night Nonny decided to let Haley Jane paint her toes. Nonny is very brave. Read More
Helen Haley: Raw and Uncensored
WHO ELSE gives the "The Amazing Walking Penguin Pooper Candy Dispenser" as a gift to their grandkids? This penguin actually winds up, waddles, and poops out CANDY...They love it. All night long Darcy has been asking if she can eat some more poop... THERE'S ONLY ONE NONNY. Read More