Dear 17-year- old-AMC worker, Thank you for waiting patiently for me to leave theatre 15 tonight. I know it took me a bit longer than everyone else to exit, and I know you were waiting very patiently to sweep up the stray popcorn and M&Ms. You see, for the past 4 months my daughter, Gracie, has been asking to see the movie “Breakthrough.” She saw the trailer and has not been able to get it out of her head. We don’t usually go to the theatre but one time a year ($85.00…seriously?!), so Read More
Is God Working in Iceland?
For those of you who have followed our story for the past decade, you know that Iceland has been a big part of our lives. When we moved there as missionaries in 2008, we knew it wasn’t going to be easy. From the beginning, it was our prayer to find an Icelander to help us carry on the work of planting a church there. We left Iceland in 2010 because of Gracie’s medical situation, and we wondered if our time there had been in vain. Our prayers for a national to carry on the work hadn’t yet Read More
Does God Hear My Prayers?
Something strange happened a few years ago. I’m not sure what made me think about it this morning, but there it was… loud in my mind as I was pouring Bran Flakes for breakfast. Maybe because I knew I would have an hour to myself today (that would allow me to write about it.) Maybe because we’re about to start our Week of Prayer at church tomorrow. Either way, something strange happened a few years ago and I’m finally getting around to writing about it. It was a warm day circa Read More
Garman Year in Review 2018
I wasn't going to write a Year in Review 2018, but it's a snow day and the New Year is still just starting, right? There's still time to reflect. I'm looking back at our pictures so I can remember what we actually did in 2018. Ah yes...Let's start with Mt. Vernon. Gracie had been asking for years to go visit Mt. Vernon, so we took the whole family on President's Day (and she loved every minute of it). The very next morning, we noticed some swelling on Gracie's left side. Because of her Read More
But, Do You Ever…
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by life‘s responsibilities? Weary by your inability to handle it all? Do you ever get anxious and stressed, hopeless and angry? Of course you do… We all do. But, do you ever look up at the moon and think about how you are sitting on a speck of cosmic dust suspended in space at the mercy of its Creator? Do you ever close your eyes, take a deep breath and imagine all of the incredible functions your body is doing involuntarily? Do you ever sit at the Read More
Kid Quotes: Part 5
Today's quote is more of a story from when we first moved to Iceland. Culture Shock For A Two Year Old (Feb. 2009/Reykjavik, Iceland): Darcy has been interesting to watch lately. After we had been here in Reykjavik a week, she began to revert a little bit which is a very normal thing for kids to do in transition. She was a little more whiny, a little more needy, and began to ask if she could watch a video that we used to get from the library called "Baby Songs" because she was a baby Read More
Kid Quotes: Part 4
Oh, man, two-year old Darcy sure was hilarious: 2008: Everyone in our house got sick, and Darcy had just thrown up all over the kitchen. After sanitizing the entire floor, Darcy comes in and out of nowhere asks, “Iz God ezeywhe-ah?” Feeling proud that my daughter was contemplating the doctrine of omnipresence, I responded, “Yes! Good job, Darcy…He IS everywhere…” The next thing out of her mouth was a very worried: “He in my pants?” My mouth dropped. “Hmmm…well…” Did my toddler just Read More
Kid Quotes: Part 3
Yikes...I've gotten lazy posting this "series"...Since Haley's 14 (!!) bday is coming up soon, I thought I'd enjoy some of these quotes from her childhood: 2006 (Haley: Age 2) I was sitting on a lava rock looking out into the Atlantic Ocean in Iceland with Haley at my side and her 7-month-old sister, Darcy, in my lap. "Mommy, may I please..." she began. I started to smile hearing her use such good manners (and feeling all my hard work starting to pay off) until I heard her finish her Read More
Kid Quotes: Part 2
This kid quote is from WAY back in the archives (Fall 2008), but such a classic from two-year-old Darcy: So, last Sunday we visited a new church in LanCaster. When we arrived, they instructed us that the children were to stay with us for the first part of the service and then would be released before the sermon (which was new for them). We sat down and the pastor began to prepare the congregation for communion (also new to them). He began by describing the plagues and the bondage of the Read More
Kid Quotes: In Case You Need A Smile
When I think about the purpose of this blog, I think about a couple of things: 1.) I want to make people pause and consider what's most important in life. 2.) I want to help people laugh. Thankfully, my four daughters give me plenty of stories to help me with both of those things! Over the years, I've tried to write down the crazy things they say so we can enjoy them over and over again. But, why keep all this to myself? You guys are welcome to peek in and enjoy it too. Stay tuned for the Read More
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