Do you ever feel overwhelmed by life‘s responsibilities? Weary by your inability to handle it all? Do you ever get anxious and stressed, hopeless and angry?
Of course you do…
We all do.
But, do you ever look up at the moon and think about how you are sitting on a speck of cosmic dust suspended in space at the mercy of its Creator?
Do you ever close your eyes, take a deep breath and imagine all of the incredible functions your body is doing involuntarily?
Do you ever sit at the ocean with waves lapping and sea gulls laughing and think about the entire world that exists under the water?
Do you ever look at your teenager and marvel at how she used to be the size of a poppy seed?
Do you ever look at everyone around you and marvel at how they used to be the size of a poppy seed?
Do you ever look at YOURSELF in the mirror and marvel at how YOU used to be the size of a poppy seed?
Do you ever lean down to notice the intricate patterns in a patch of frost or the perfectly drawn lines in a bug’s wings?
Do you ever sit in the sun and marvel at the earth’s priveledged position in our galaxy to receive its heat and life?
Because something about that experience puts things in perspective for me…

Don’t be afraid to slow down your pace, to be still and sometimes even silent…they’re gifts that help us notice the everyday miracles of life.
And we all need to be reminded sometimes…