Oh, man, two-year old Darcy sure was hilarious:
2008: Everyone in our house got sick, and Darcy had just thrown up all over the kitchen. After sanitizing the entire floor, Darcy comes in and out of nowhere asks, “Iz God ezeywhe-ah?”
Feeling proud that my daughter was contemplating the doctrine of omnipresence, I responded, “Yes! Good job, Darcy…He IS everywhere…”
The next thing out of her mouth was a very worried: “He in my pants?”
My mouth dropped. “Hmmm…well…” Did my toddler just engage in deductive reasoning?
“He in my undew-wey-ah?”
I stopped scrubbing and just looked up at her…at a complete loss for words.
“I don’t want God see my undew-wey-ah!!” She started bawling. What could I possibly say to remedy this?
Before I could think of an intelligent response, Darcy threw up all over the floor. Again. Wow. Now if she could just learn her colors.