It’s happened so much, I’ve lost count.
Someone will ask about my book and I’ll share. They’ll nod and listen, and then lean in real close. In a hushed voice, as though I’m their priest and this is their booth, they’ll make a confession: “I’ve always wanted to write a book.”
Perhaps they think of it every New Year’s Eve. Or the moments between wake and sleep. This tugging, this idea in their bones that yearns for release.
Maybe it’s a dream they’ve had since childhood. Maybe it’s been inspired by pain. But whatever it is, they are confiding in me, and perhaps craving the affirmation that it’s not such a crazy idea.
I always smile. I feel so honored. What if they’ve never admitted this to a human, only in their private journals?
“Do it,” I whisper back. “What choice do you have? Ignoring this dream is equally as painful, isn’t it?”
“If I can do it, so can you,” I continue. “Just take one hour a week and do what you can. Miss a week, but keep plugging away. Get discouraged and give up if you must. But, the dream will probably hunt you down until you’re too tired to keep running.“
Maybe the dream isn’t to write a book, but to start a business or a ministry. To foster or to adopt. The point is, God puts desires in our hearts for a reason. You can either use your emotional energy coming up with excuses or making a plan of action.
What about you? What’s the thing that you’ve been dreaming of accomplishing for awhile now? Leave your thoughts in the comment below.
Just admitting that you want it is the first step.