Those of you who write know how discouraging it can be. It’s lonely and confusing to spend time working on something you’re not convinced is valuable. I’ve explained it to Colby like this: Imagine you spend blood, sweat, and tears making a prop for a show, but you’re not sure if the prop will ever get used. In fact, you’re convinced it’s been hung in the back hallway by the storage closet. Colby likes to remind me that I have no business wondering how the prop will be used. I should just do my best and give the prop to the director to use however He sees fit.
Recently when I was reading the gospels, this verse completely jumped out and sat down with me for awhile.
“Blessed be the Lord God of Israel for he has visited and redeemed his people…to grant us that we, being delivered from the hand of our enemies might SERVE HIM without fear” (Luke 1:68-74).
OH, to serve Him without fear!
To serve without the fear of man, the fear of missing out, the fear of hearing God wrong, the fear of being irresponsible with my time, the fear of rejection, the fear of looking stupid, or the fear of failure.
Thankfully, God has been sending encouragement lately. Encouragement to keep on keeping’ on with where He seems to be leading.
First, there was this interview. This website is a great resource for anyone with critically ill or injured children.
Then, there was this interview with the local DC radio station, WGTS 91.9:
I was able to do an interview HERE with Angela Y. Smith (and HERE for another guest post).
And, then God dropped me this bread crumb of encouragment:
At first, I was discouraged that “Unexpected Grace” didn’t WIN the contest, but now that I think about it…I’ll take being a finalist.
Lately I’ve been given more writing opportunities than I can even keep up with. I’m thankful for these opportunities because they force me to do something I love and need to do for my soul. And, who knows how God will choose to use these props that I’m so passionate about painting? Isn’t He the Potter…and I just a lump of clay? Surely He knows better than I what His pieces of art should accomplish.
Anyway, I’d appreciate any prayers that you have to offer as I am working on a new project: taking Colby’s sermons and making them into a Bible Study. I get so weary and give up so quickly, so I really covet your prayers for perseverance. Thank you!
This is a beautiful and encouraging post, Annie! Congratulations on being a finalist. That’s a huge affirmation of your writing. I have moments of discouragement when I write and find God’s little tokens of encouragement to be wonderful blessings. Keep pressing forward. All of your hard work and obedience will pay off. Wait and see! 🙂
Sorry, Sally… I am horrible about responding to comments on here! Thank you so much for that sweet comment; I would love to connect with you sometime and pick your brain… I think we are on a similar journey!
I thank God for the heart that Hi has giving you, a heart that fears the Lord.
You can count with my prayers.