Today I become curious if this whole blogging thing could ever generate income. Let’s face it: All of my kids need braces, a college education, and a wedding fund (just in case they decide being a single mother who adopts children isn’t working out for them…that’s Darcy’s plan for now at least).
I clicked around on my blog dashboard onto the statistics page and found out that most of my traffic comes from the Simmons Family Blog. I don’t know the Simmons family, but through the miracle of the web, they have found us and have linked our blog to their site.
I started reading their blog today and became overwhelmed with emotion. I guess I forget about Gracie’s fragile condition sometimes because she’s so wild and energetic. She also currently has been giving me the most challenges (disobedience, temper tantrums,)…I forget that every moment with her is a gift.
Well, Owen’s mother reminded me of this and also reminded me to savor each day with my sweet little HRHS child and find joy each day. Also, she reminded me of the greater heart community out there. I am not alone and I’m thankful there are so many other families out there that I can relate to and connect with for support.
Anyway, this is probably the shortest blog post I’ve ever written, but I just wanted to say take a moment and reach out to the Simmons Family and thank them for their example, their support, and their reminders to hold life with grateful hands.