Have you ever asked your self one of these questions:
If ultimate truth really does exist, how could I even find it?
And, if I did find it, how would I know that I’ve found it?
There are so many religions out there, how could we possibly know which one is right?
Even though I was born in a Christian home, went to church three times a week, attended Christian college, and went right from there into ministry life, I went through a crisis-of-faith of sorts at age 28. It actually began the very week that we interviewed to be missionaries in Iceland.
My college roommate and close friend had just joined a cult had asked if we could get together and talk. I think I was in a state of shock as we walked around Burke Lake together and I listened to her try to convert me. At the end of our time together, I can remember us both getting into our separate cars which were parked next to each other. Feeling like I was seconds from both puking and passing out, I bowed my head and prayed for God to open my friend’s eyes to the truth. As I finished praying and lifted my head, I looked over to see my friend in her car with HER head bowed in prayer…most likely praying for ME.
At that moment I questioned, for the first time in my life really, if what I believed was really true.
There were many skeptics in my life at the time who questioned the authority of the Bible, mocked its significance, and simply were much more critical of its claims than they were of their own ideas.
Throughout the week of our interviews for the missionary position in Iceland, I felt the ground rumbling beneath me. Did I believe what I believed only because it had been the reality that was handed to me? Was Christianity in fact THE truth…as in…ALL other religions were really wrong?
I knew it was, but at the same time I didn’t know it was.
Our time in Iceland only made the ground shake more as we were immersed in a post-Christian populace who had (regarding Christiantity) been-there-and–done-that-(or so they thought –and-hadn’t-found-it.
There hasn’t been just one thing that’s helped me find solid ground, but rather thousands of stones that, when pressed together, have formed a kind of foundation, solidifying my faith. Studying the Bible, listening to the words of C.S. Lewis, experiencing the faithfulness of God firsthand, asking hard questions, and learning to humble myself in front of the answers have all been a part of the process.
Maybe you’re a Christian experiencing a crisis of faith. Maybe you’ve heard about Christianity (perhaps you think you’ve actually experienced it) but are skeptical about its claims. Maybe your experiences with Christianity were not a clear picture of what it actually teaches. Maybe you’ve rejected the claims of Christianity, but are not satisfied with the fruit of your current worldview.
Whatever the case, it has always been my prayer that God would use this blog to “proclaim the excellencies of HIM who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” (I Peter 2:9). That HIM is Jesus and He has brought me out of the darkness of sin and skepticism into the light of His mercy.
I’m not sure if any of you are still reading this, but in the event that you are, I’d love to suggest a few things to all the honest truth-seekers out there.
Pray that God would make your heart sincere as you search for truth. Pray that God would open your eyes to truth and help you understand. Perhaps you’re not even convinced He exists. That’s okay…if by some chance He IS real and concerned about the intimate details in your life, then perhaps talking to Him is a good idea.
If He isn’t real, then you’ve lost nothing but a few moments of your day.
If He is out there, and you really do ask Him to show you what’s true, maybe He actually will. Or perhaps (if you’re honest), that’s what you’re afraid of…
2. Read the Bible for yourself.
Have you ever read the Bible for yourself? Most people have many criticisms about this book, but have never actually read it for themselves. They are just parroting things they’ve heard other people say about it.
For starters, I would recommend reading one of the gospels. Recently Colby preached through Mark and you can listen to those sermons here.
3. Read More
- Mere Christianity-C.S. Lewis
- Reason for God-Tim Keller
- The Case for Christ-Lee Strobel
- The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus-Gary R. Habermas
- Cold-Case Christianity-J. Warner Wallace
- The Confessions of Saint Augustine-Augustine (I can remember reading this in college and being blown away that the same God who pursued me has pursued people throughout the centuries)
- I could go on and on…If you get through all these, contact me. I’ll give you more!
4. Attend a Local Church that teaches the Bible
Websites like this one can assist you in finding a good one. Go and listen. See if Christianity is truly as empty and confining as you think it is. Sure, you will find hypocrites who think church is just a social club, but perhaps you’ll find some people there who have truly been transformed by the grace of a living God. Watch THEM. You will see the light of Jesus shining through their fragile, cracked lives. And it will point you to the One who changed them.
5.Consider it a long term project.
Okay, my pastor-husband totally gave me this one. “Don’t expect to find one silver bullet that will change your mind,” he says. “We discover truth in lots of different avenues of our lives.” This most likely will take time.
So…It’s my prayer that as you read our lives like an open book, not only would be challenged to consider whether or not Jesus really is who He said He is, but that you would also SEE Him written on the pages of our lives.