Here we are at the end of another year! I guess we all KNOW that time passes quickly, but it’s mind boggling to actually experience it. Kind of like the difference between STUDYING space travel and actually DOING it. Not that I can verify this…Let’s move on…
Penelope Raine is now two. The terrible twos (which began somewhere around 15 months) don’t seem to be AS terrible anymore and she is charming us with her new language skills and baby blues. Her favorite words to say are “lolly-poo-pa” (lollypop) and “SHELF!” (self…as in, “let me do it MYSELF, will ya?!”). Penelope loves running across our couch, baby dolls, jumping on the trampoline, painting, riding her trike, and saying the pledge of allegiance.
We recently found our little P-Nella BUCK STARK NAKED in her crib at night, which the pediatrician tells us is a sign of potty-training readiness… Speaking of potty training…
Gracie Kane is FOUR and explodes with joy. She is going to a class once a week called “Classical Conversations” and consistently wakes me up early asking if it’s Thursday yet. She is blowing us away as she memorizes the states and capitals and history sentences. I love learning along side her and we have fun “playing school” at home every day. She recently shared with me her career aspirations (can’t decide between a doctor or a pilot), but after watching some men cut trees down in our neighborhood she now has her sights set on becoming a “TREE CUTTER.”
Gracie had a procedure this fall patching up a hole in her heart and we’re so thankful that her oxygen levels are now at 97%. She did so great during the whole thing although later she asked me if the procedure was because she can’t/won’t poop in the potty. Ah yes, potty training. We began potty training August 10th of 2013, which means we’ve been potty training for roughly 498 days…but sheesh….who’s counting?! Gracie tells us that she WILL poop on the potty tomorrow, though, so (whew!), are we ever relieved and looking forward to THAT. (insert eye roll here).
Darcy Elaine is eight which means she’s not too old for snuggling. Darcy came home from school last week and told me she wants to spend the rest of her life studying computer science and writing computer code. For this, I am thankful for our local public schools…
Darc ran her first 5K this fall and won her age category! Never mind that she was the only participant in her age category…we couldn’t be prouder of our little runner.
Darcy continues to love the outdoors, science experiments, math worksheets, and has recently fallen in love with reading chapter books. She loves reading to her baby sister and playing school with Gracie. She is very thoughtful and gets a lot of joy doing random acts of kindness for others.
Haley Jane is TEN and officially a teeny-bopper. We are working on showering with more consistency, using deodorant regularly and flossing. Yesterday I found Haley sitting on the couch with my computer memorizing PI. She had 3.141592653597932384 down and was working on the next set. I’m not sure how I birthed mathematicians and scientists, but we’re rolling with it.
Haley is a huge help with her little sisters and they adore her so much! She stays busy writing songs with her best friends and band, Three-In-One (You’ve got to check out their website here…so precious!), playing with beanie boos, singing in the Honors Chorus and drawing on any piece of parchment she can find. Haley took tennis lessons and soccer lessons and even a drama camp along with Darcy this year. She is currently our most level-headed child. 🙂
Colby continues to stay busy pastoring Pillar Church and training church planters to send out. He does a good job balancing all his responsibilities and loving all his girls well. He coached Darcy’s soccer team (Haley tagged along to practices) and offered tennis lessons to the kids of Pillar Church this fall. In his free time, he managed to squeeze in a missions trip to Nepal. Colby ran his first marathon this year and did amazing.
Meanwhile, I’ve been running my own kind of marathon as I stay at home with the little ones. I had the chance to lead a missions trip to Iceland this year, attend a writer’s conference, attend a Global Think Tank, and grow in joy and contentment as a mom and wife.
After experiencing hip pain for awhile, I eventually went to the doctor and was diagnosed with hip dysplasia and a torn labrum. This means that I can no longer run and instead walk laps around the house or do low-impact aerobic you-tube videos for my cardio workouts. I think I’m adjusting to my new life quite well…
All in all, the Garmans are thankful that there is hope in Jesus beyond this life. We’ve been reminded of the brevity of this life this year as we lost our precious friend Noel and three other friends from church.
We hope you choose to close 2014 with grateful hearts to the God who sustains you.
God bless!
The Garman Six
(Better luck getting a complete family photo next year)