OH yes…I believe it was sometime last summer. We had just moved and I was in my last trimester, getting ready to have a new baby.
Enough said.
I haven’t blogged for over six months, which has been the longest blogging break I’ve ever taken (since starting in 2008). The last half year has been pretty wild, and I really have had little desire for anything other than sleep. I can feel myself slowly coming out of the baby haze as we start to sleep through the night more consistently and the baby is starting to stabilize. Kind of. I am emerging from the fog with a renewed desire to write and share my words for God’s glory. You’d think having four kids would have knocked it out of me, but the pull grows stronger each day and I feel compelled to follow and see where it leads.
All that to say, I hope to be returning to the blogging world soon and connecting again. Thank you to those of you who have been an encouragement to me to press forward with my writing! I can’t express enough gratitude.