My insights from Lesson Three of Self-Confrontation Bible Study:
- God has not left us alone in this battle to change. He empowers us through His Holy Spirit, His Word, and prayer. It’s so simple…but do we really take advantage of these resources or depend mostly on ourselves?
- PRAYER IS HARD. Before EVEN TRYING to pray, ask the Holy Spirit to help you pray!
- The Bible is really useful. I look to a lot of different things for help, when (in the category of right living), it is sufficient.
- Jesus could only be in one place at one time, so it was to the disciple’s advantage that He went back to the Father (after the resurrection…at the ascension). It was then that He sent the Helper (The Holy Spirit) who could be with every believer everywhere at the same time.
If you’re interested…CLICK HERE to listen to today’s lesson (type self-confrontation in the search box at the bottom).