Dear Friends and Family,
I decided it was time to do a year-in-review-Christmas-letter and, as to not possibily leave anyone out, post it here on the world wide internet we have all grown so much to love.
Where to begin?
2011 began and we found ourselves in a land that had become strangely familiar: LIMBO. Colby had filled out applications, sent resumes, driven the whole family north to check out a possibility, and was now simply waiting for full-time work. We moved from free house to free house that our friends graciously let us use to keep us out of the local homeless shelter. We waited and wondered if we would have to move in to our parent’s basement… until the early summer when he was offered a full time position at Pillar Church as the teaching pastor.
After that, we endured earthquakes and hurricanes (some literal, some figurative), moved again to be closer to the church, began homeschooling our kindergartener Darcy and our second grader Haley, while trying to keep our new mobile 13 month old, Gracie, out of the toilets and the household cleaners cabinet.
The stress mounted throughout the fall and just last week, in order to give our children a better chance of surviving to see their next birthdays, we made the decision to put our kids in public school. (I’m assuming that everyone reading this is familiar with my hyperboles). After only three and a half days of their new environment, they have successfully brought home enough germs to bring the entire family down for the week of Christmas.
Of course, as to not sound like this year was more tortuous than it actually felt in some particular moments, we had beautiful moments like THESE that paint our memories with color, beauty, and joy. Gracie has enjoyed amazing health this year and for that we are grateful. We only had to rush to the ER one time this year and she was released from the hospital within an hour of being admitted. It could have been much worse.
The girls started violin lessons and really enjoyed learning a new skill. For Darcy, the thrill lasted only a few short months, but Haley is–as we speak–practicing Silent Night and sounding more and more like Joshua Bell every day.
Life is currently good and we look forward to a new year full of new things. God Bless You all and hopefully we will get a chance to see some of you outside of the computer screen!
The Garman Five