Darcy: Age 4
Setting: Darcy comes up to me with a pencil and a note-pad.
Darcy: Mommy, what do you want to order from my resta-want?
Me: Hmmm….well, Pesto Chicken sounds wonderful.
Darcy: Well, ax-ually we don’t has pesto chicken.
Me: Okay. Well, I’ll just have some water with ice cubes.
Darcy: Well, ax-ually, we don’t has any ice cubes.
Me: Alright….So, what DO you have at your restaurant, Darcy?
Darcy: Breast milk.
Sounds like this resta-want has a very specific customer base…LMBO
Ha ha. I love kids.
Thanks for linking up!
Snort!! Too funny. That is one for the books. Great PMM! thanks for linking up
Hashahaha! That’s hilarious.
Good one!