Darcy: Age 4
Setting: Darcy comes up to me with a pencil and a note-pad.
Darcy: Mommy, what do you want to order from my resta-want?
Me: Hmmm….well, Pesto Chicken sounds wonderful.
Darcy: Well, ax-ually we don’t has pesto chicken.
Me: Okay. Well, I’ll just have some water with ice cubes.
Darcy: Well, ax-ually, we don’t has any ice cubes.
Me: Alright….So, what DO you have at your restaurant, Darcy?
Darcy: Breast milk.
Oka says
Sounds like this resta-want has a very specific customer base…LMBO
Kmama says
Ha ha. I love kids.
Thanks for linking up!
Emmy says
Snort!! Too funny. That is one for the books. Great PMM! thanks for linking up
Lourie says
Hashahaha! That’s hilarious.
Annie says
Good one!