Darcy: Age 4
Having a baby, of course, is a rocking concept for most children to grasp. We managed to do a pretty good job keeping things simple and concrete for our kids for the first nine months. In my last week of pregnancy, we went to the doctor’s office for a check up. As the doctor checked to see how far dialated I was, the kids were on the other side of the curtain with their Daddy getting a little lesson on child-birth.
Unfortunately, Colby must have been a little too thorough in his explanation because later in the day when we were in line at a very crowded Chipotle, Darcy looked over at me with wide eyes and exclaimed Loudly, “MOM, IS YOUR BABY HOLE OPENING UP YET?”
Lol! Now that is funny!
Oh, that is PRICELESS!!! I’m sure you got some chuckles from the other patrons. So funny.
Thanks for linking up!
I would of been trying not to let you know I was laughing, and not be very successful at it.