Darcy: Age 2
While waiting for our flight at the airport in Copenhagen, Denmark, Darcy got a small boo-boo on her finger. To soothe her loud cries, I kissed it and told her not to worry because God would HEAL it.
She stopped crying, looked up at me and said solemnly, “But… GOD IS DEAD.”
I stopped…alarmed and stunned that my two year old was QUOTING NIETZSHE.
How did this happen?
“Well…JESUS died for our sins…” I tried to clarify.
“Yeah…but Jesus IS GOD,” she responded, not cracking even a hint of a smile.
Okay, how do you begin to explain trinitarian theology to a two year old?
“Okay…you’re right….But…he didn’t stay dead. He conquered death and rose again. And, we also need to make a distinction between God in the person of Jesus Christ, God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit. God in Three Persons. Different functions, but…”
She was already off, climbing down the row of waiting room seats.