Haley Jane: Age 3
(After playing outside on a hot playground): “Can we go inside and cold-up?”
(As I’m helping Haley put on her shirt in the morning): “MOM!! Don’t BREAK my ARMPIT!”
(At the breakfast table listening to baby Darcy babble “Die-Die-Die-Die-Die”): “Mom, Darcy says she wants you to die.” (My response: “I don’t think that’s what she means, honey.”)
(As Daddy walks in the front door): “Daddy’s home! Hi Daddy… I ALMOST missed you.”
(Peeking her head in my bathroom, loaded down with bag after bag): “Bye, Mom. I’m going to heaven now. I’ll see you later!”
(Staring at me with wide eyes): “Wow, Mom…You have BIG RIBS.”
These are too funny. I guess she hadn’t heard “you can’t take it with you.”