Just in case you haven’t seen, I’ve been adding posts to the tab “Gracie’s Story” two to three times a week and will continue to do so throughout the summer! I’m not always good at linking my new content on facebook, so be sure to bookmark (anniebgarman.com/gracies-story/ ) or SUBSCRIBE to me through your RSS feed.
It’s been both therapeutic and exhausting to relive it by writing it out, but I pray that my words will bring hope and encouragement to some. With that being said, if anyone you know has been affected in any way by a heart defect, please send them the link. If anyone has any ideas of where I could link this site, please let me know. I really don’t know what else to do with the story besides post it here. I am VERY interested in feedback, so please don’t hesitate to contact me via comments or the contact form on the home page!