Because my kids are only in Kindergarten and first grade, we only spend two hours a day doing school. The reality is, that’s all the time you really need to do lessons; homeschooling takes less time than a public school day. That means all sorts of things: We have longer weekends, longer vacations, more family time, more time to develop other interests, and more time to be involved in church-related activities and/or help people in need.
I think a huge advantage of homeschooling is the flexibility you have with your schedule and your life. Because we’re in ministry, every day is different. Some evenings my husband has meetings until 11:30 pm (or even later!). We see him more since we don’t have to rush to the bus stop first thing in the morning.
When we found out our baby was in need of two open heart surgeries this year, we knew our lives would consist of a lot of time in the hospital and at Doctor’s appointments. Having the flexibility to make our own schedule each day is one of the biggest reasons we chose to homeschool this year (that and the fact that we didn’t know where we were going to live this year!).