Today I decided to step out of the tornado and sit outside to write. It’s been a while since I’ve aired out my head. I’m learning that it is not selfish for me to take out time for myself but rather NECESSARY in order to be who I need to be for my kids and my husband.
Right now I am sitting outside watching red, orange, and gold rain down all around me. The evening light catches the leaves at a perfect angle and illuminates the tree like one grand, stain-glassed window in this outdoor sanctuary.
We moved again. This is the 8th house we’ve lived in during the past two years…the adventure continues. Today finds me in the suburbs of Washington D.C in a subdivision named Montclair. Our friends, Tim and Amanda Long, are graciously letting us stay at their vacant home while they are in Florida for the next six months. It is a perfect place for this stage of the journey. “Our” new house has 3 levels, 4 bedrooms, a perfect adventure playland for the kids in the backyard, and even a fireplace. We are beyond blessed.
In some ways, I feel like God brought us out of America to bring us back here with new eyes. After spending 15 months in Iceland, I am now enamored with the most mundane, simple things. All summer long I couldn’t stop staring at the trees and vegetation here…each leaf a different shape, ivy climbing and decorating, making a mosaic of green.
I really feel God’s eye upon us. I’m not worried about the future because I know God has something up His sleeve. Too many things have happened. It’s so obvious that God has a plan and I’m learning to just kick up my feet in the passenger seat and trust that the Driver knows where He’s going. The more I travel through life, the more I’m realizing that God determines our steps. Even our choices somehow fit into His mastermind puzzle that we can’t even begin to figure out. So, we don’t. We just submit, trust….and then REST.
Amen Sister, I needed to hear that! Im Learning those exact things right now, However you are learning them in far greater ways than I, however I am thankful to have a friend like you! Thanks for posting this!
Nice Annie, it was great to see you for all 3 seconds the other week!
And I was just thinking yesterday that it would be good to visit you guys again. Now you are right around the corner!
I have ecaxlty what info I want. Check, please. Wait, it’s free? Awesome!
Alltaf gaman að lesa það sem þú skrifar 🙂 Ég hugsa reglulega til ykkar og hvernig gengur hjá ykkur.
Okkur gengur vel, ég var að byrja að vinna aftur og Björgvin Orri er voða duglegur.
Hlakka til að sjá ykkur aftur 🙂
Takk fyrir að minna mig á að Guð er bestur í að stjórna lífi okkar. Líf okkar er í hendi Guðs.
-Bið að heilsa!
You are SUCH a great writer Annie. I could picture the colored rain…and the leaves…the tornado of chaos in the house – and the time you need alone.
I have to say honestly that being in the 8th house in 2 years would be VERY hard for me. And I agree with you that God has something up his sleeve.
And what you reflected upon – how God took you out of America to bring you back to see things through new eyes is so true.
There is a reason for everything. And I agree – Put those feet up in the passenger seat and enjoy the ride.
You certainly are young and have had many adventures. I think that about your brother too. WOW – the things you both have seen.
Your going to be the Best Grandma and Grandpa someday with all your stories, experiences, and a gazillion other things to share.
Hang in there with the hard times. And I am glad you are rejoicing in everything. I am envious and I strive to be more like that.