After seventeen days in the hospital we have enjoyed a great weekend at the house in Crozet settling in to taking care of Gracie. Apart from a few extra things to do each morning we are really enjoying a very normal baby experience. In fact unless you would know the back story, you wouldn’t even be able to tell anything has been going on.
Lucas' Mommy says
Gracie is sooo CUTE!!! What a little doll. Congratulations again on another beautiful daughter. 🙂 Glad you are enjoying a wonderful weekend with your family all together.
Carrie Fairy Thoughts says
Hey Annie. I love the new pic you have up. Its georgeous. Your girls are so beautiful. Gracie looks so healthy and wonderful. WOW. Isn't amazing how resilient babies are?? I was just wondering what meds she is on…Can you message me sometime?? Just wondering if she is on the same as Emma. Since I married a pharmacist you can call us any hour/ any time/ any day if she gets sick or you have a question. Alot of people do it. And Josh has helped alot with Emma Joy. I am glad things are more peaceful and you are enjoying life with Gracie. I will message you on facebook our phone numbers.
PS…Liz would love to hear how she is doing. Stay in contact. Please. We all miss and love you. Your family has a big place in the Sella families hearts. Always will.
Jennifer says
So glad she is doing well and you guys are getting to experience some normalcy:) Enjoy your time away from the craziness of life!
Your new header picture is gorgeous!!!
Jo says
Ótrúlega falleg mynd af öllum fjórum "stelpunum" þínum, Colby. Gracie er mjög sæt, litla kraftaverkabarnið! 🙂 Guð svarar sannarlega bænum. Annie, þú lítur mjög vel út. Við söknum ykkar mjög mikið.
Guðrún, Helgi og Jóhanna
p.s. Ég sakna svo Biblíulestranna þinna, Colby.
Kristen says
she is precious. SUCH a Garman! 🙂
Brandi Olden says
She is so adorable! Glad you guys are having a smooth transition. Hopefully, we'll be able to follow in your footsteps in the not so distant future.
Melissa says
She looks like you dad annie! I knew she would be great. How are you? We need to connect. I have been slammed.(Im sure nothing like what you are dealing with)
Audra says
So happy for you all! She is absolutely beautiful 🙂