Yesterday we drove to our Dr’s appointment at UVA Medical with our car all packed for the long stay here. The appointment went well and found out that I am now dilated 2 cm. The Dr. asked me if I wanted to be induced on Sunday….it was tempting, but I declined. We want her to cook as long as possible.
Last night for story time, Colby recounted the last two years of our life and all the different places and houses we’ve lived in. Haley remembers every detail of this journey and it was fun to talk about all we’ve seen and learned through it. Occasionally someone will show sympathy for our anything-but-stable lives and be apologetic. They must not understand the rich experience that we’ve been granted and how invaluable that its been. I think it’s been the greatest thing.
We are all settled in Charlottesville now (actually a town west of it called Crozet). We are staying in a 4 bedroom, furnished house with a huge playground and tree house in the backyard. People actually sit on their front porch and talk to each other. A neighbor baked us bread today and assured me that if I went into labor in the middle of the night, she would be there to help. We are at the foot of the Blue Ridge Parkway– the very mountains where Colby proposed nine years ago. I love the raw beauty of this area and am SO grateful for a respite as we wait for this to all go down.
perfect 🙂
En frábært að heyra að ykkur líður vel, Annie ég hugsa til þín núna þegar það styttist í fæðinguna og þú ert örugglega orðin svo stór! Gangi þér vel 🙂
Lilja Írena
what a lovely blessing! praying for you 🙂
Sounds wonderful…can't wait to hear the good news about Gracie and see pictures 🙂