I love me a good burger! I’m talking Five Guys in a paper back with fresh cut fries style. Although there are many tasty food delicacies I have grown to love in Iceland (Vinarbrauð for example) it’s not always easy to come by a burger of Five Guys quality. About a month ago I went out to lunch with an Icelandic friend of mine who lived in the states for a long time and we hit up a little burger joint right by the school we go to for language class. I was quite pleased with the burger and tore into it like a well-trained carnivore.
Somewhere in the midst of the fury I remember my friend saying something like, “I have had to get used to eating burgers with a knife and fork again now that I am back in Iceland.” I looked down at my empty plate and thought…fork,knife?…I didn’t even see those…well…haha…looky there. Yesterday I went to the same place with the same friend and ordered the same burger. Before I was overcome by my instincts I noticed a fork and knife and picked them up. It was unnatural and difficult for me, but I managed to eat the whole thing without touching it with my hands. I just wanted to let you know it can be done, but only with extreme discipline. And for those of you keeping track, I give 3 sporks to Vitabar for a nice lunchtime burger experience
Diana says
I think it's weird to eat a burger with a knife and fork…I think I may have done it like once and that was just for experiments sake, haha
Veroníka says
I must try their burger when I come to Iceland. If you ever get over to Höfn you must try the burger at Kaffi Hornið. My cousin says they serve the best burger in all of Ísland and my teenage boys heartily agree. But we used our hands when eating there, oops!
Steini says
Thanks for lunch! 🙂 I see you are adapting quite nicely to Iceland. Next time we'll have to go for a hearty meal of sheep face and fermented shark 😉
Riss! says
No, no…three years in Iceland and I never put a fork and knife in my hand for a burger. I may have been in there land, but I am American, and we know best when it comes to devouring a burger!
Lilja says
Ég borða líka alltaf hamborgara með höndunum 🙂
Kannski eru hnífapörin bara fyrir gamlar konur 😉 hehe
Vitabar er með bestu hamborgarana held ég! American style eru líka góðir og svo er tilbreyting að fara á hamborgarabúllu tómasar (búllan), en ætli þeir séu ekki bestir sem maður gerir sjálfur heima?