In January, Colby and I started going to a Framhaldskoli. Basically in Iceland, Grunnskoli is the “elementary school” where you attend from ages 6-16 (Haley starts that in September). After that, your compulsory education is over, but there are Framhaldskolis you can choose to attend that continue your education (KIND OF comparable to technical colleges).
Okay, so we go to a Framhaldskoli to learn Icelandic and are in class with 16 year olds and 17 year olds. It has been like reverting back to high-school. I walk past the smoking ring every morning on my way inside the building, teenagers sleeping in the back of the classroom with their IPODS, and most days the teacher has to break up kids in our class who are talking during the lesson. So, yes, I’m back in high-school, but this time I’m pregnant. I feel like I’m straight out of a scene in JUNO every day walking down the crowded hallways. A couple of weeks ago I was checking out a new class and walked into a classroom of new students. A couple of girls pointed at me and started whispering to each other. It became even more humorous when a girl from my class told me she thought I was 18. So, not only am I the foreign kid at school, but now I’m the teenage pregnancy gossip.
Funniest thing all day. Thanks for that 🙂
one crazy adventure after another. love it!
Hey – Think of it as an expierence that you can maybe someday help a girl who is going through that same situation. You may meet someone someday who is pregnant and is having to go through high school and they are getting pointed at and teased. You will know exactly how it feels and how to respond. And now you can relate to people who were prego in high school when you went to high school too. God puts us in these situations for reasons. I believe that. Just be thankful that your not alone in your pregnancy and truly going through it alone at that age. You have Colby when you get home and your two other beautiful daughters…but during the day you can expierence how to help others. God is amazing.
Love this! And I'm terrified of something similar happening to me when I someday, God-willing, am pregnant. Just the other day, I was referred to as a "nice high school girl" while volunteering at the hospital.