Here is the continuation of my memories from the past year of reading:
5. A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens – The word I would use to describe this book is “moving”. The story is heart-wrenching, tragic, and redemptive. I was sad to leave the characters when I had finished it. It is the best of Dickens that I have read.
6. Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton – For someone who spent an educational degree exploring the subject of Christian Apologetics I thought I had at least sampled all the variations on the theme that existed. When I read Orthodoxy this year I felt like I was reading something very unique and original, so much so that I still feel Chesterton has much more to offer than I understand. I plan on exploring this author a bit more in the coming year.
7. The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson – A high recommendation from my mother-in-law landed this book on my list. It is really two stories weaved together chapter by chapter. It is the story of the developers of the Chicago World’s Fair at the turn of the 2oth century as they labored against amazing odds to put on a display like the world had never seen. It is also the story of a serial killer that used the occasion to feed his twisted obsessions I often found myself reading this book into the early morning hours and more often than not thought I was reading a novel.
8. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy – Considered one of the greatest novels ever written, Anna Karenina presses the decencies of traditional Russian society to try and answer important questions about meaning in life and what our greatest good really is. The title character Anna throws away her place in society to pursue Romantic love, ultimately leaving behind her marriage and her son to for the sake of this “love” that is worth more than everything else to her. The rest of the cast of characters form comparisons as they pursue different ends in life with differing motivations. The discussions and introspection of the characters is at times brilliant and I think the novel deserves its reputation.
number 7 sounds really interesting! i think i might check it out.
number 8 sounds like a book my roomie would like, ill have to tell her about it, it also from the discription reminds me of a poem/skit play i read in english called "everyman". probably a stretch of a comparison, but oh well