For the last 4 years since we became parents, we have tried to set aside Thursday night for “date night.” This has been as simple as a walk around Lakewood Apartments in Stafford (a chunk of solitude in the midst of urban congestion) or as special as going out to dinner. Of course, there have been some weeks that did not work out, but the pattern has been consistent. In Stafford, we were surrounded with many babysitters from our neighborhood, the youth group and our church family….we were very spoiled. The last 9 months have been so transient for us, and we have had to get creative with date night. I think we have finally mastered the art of having date night without a babysitter. Last Thursday, the kids helped me set the candle-lit table, and dutifully sat at their craft table on the other end of the room for the whole meal. They did so well, and with Colby’s latest tomato-curry Indian dish, I really felt like I was in a restaurant. We then proceeded to lock the kids in their room with a movie on the laptop while we watched Fire-Proof. Two thoughts on this: #1) If you can get over the cheesy, choppy acting in the beginning, Fire-Proof has a great message for our culture. #2) Apparently the Veggie Tale’s movie-Jonah– is a violent movie and I should not have let them see it alone. All weekend Darcy has been telling us, “I neser, neser, neser, neser, NESER want to go to Ninevah.” Oops.
This is too cute! You guys crack me up. You should write a book on the quotes that your girls say, I would buy it.
Fish slappers. . .
Annie – I agree with Josh and Jadey – on starting a quotes book from what your girls say!!! LOL!!!
Poor Darcy – Stupid Veggie Tales!!
That is REALLY a great tradition that you and Colby have in your marriage…
I started to watch Fireproof but couldn’t get passed the bad acting…everyone has been raving about it and now I read this – maybe I will give it a second shot….I remember Carole Taylor telling me about it before it even came out – Jessica Taylor Paulson’s little sister Carole.
Josh and I are trying to do date night but it hasn’t happened yet. This makes me want to do it more…We need it.
your girls are so good to let you guys have your time alone…They are such sweet girls…Your a great mom and dad you guys.
Also, if you look under my friends on facebook – Svala Heller is now on there – She is Josh’s cousin from Iceland…I think your mom, Annie, Met with her…I never heard anymore about it….
by far my favorite veggie tales I’ve watched with my girls. the fish slapping produced rounds of laughter all around. funny that it produced such a response from Darcy.
She never will see Nineveh as it was annihilated off the face of the earth! Your girls are so insightful though. What a blessing they are and they bring so much humor during stressful times!
Following God’s leading overseas was the hardest and best thing that ever happened to our marriage…it forced us to get intentional and creative. Praying for you guys as you walk through tough times. It’s a common theme among many m’s I’ve talked with. God squeezes the living stuffing out of you that first year, then, after getting you ready, He uses you in ways you never could have imagined. I look forward to hearing the end of the story, and hopefully working together one day to see Him known and loved by the Scandinavians.
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