…Louisville, Kentucky.
Colby, the overachiever that he is, applied for a Greek exegesis class during the J-term. So, we packed our bags in Nashville, and drove 2 1/2 hours northeast to our next adventure. We are so thankful for the hospitality of Beechmont Baptist Church letting us stay in their mission house on such short notice (we called on Friday, and got in on Saturday!) For the first time since July, it is just the four of us in one house. I can’t believe it’s been that long….
Our new house is amazing. Four levels (including a basement), three bedrooms, a fireplace (my dream), and a piano. There is no internet at the house, and it has been a nice break to be unplugged. Today I played the piano for awhile and realized how long it had been since I had done that. This morning I unpacked my suitcase for the first time since October. Who knows where we will be next week, but for the time-being we are enjoying seeing new things here in Louisville. There are Kentucky Derby pictures plastered everywhere and everywhere we go, Haley makes a scene: “Mom…LOOK!! It’s SPIRIT…..OH, MOM, LOOK….Black Beauty!”