Well, the long awaited time has finally come. This week was our Interview Conference for overseas service in Iceland. We arrived on Tuesday to meet with a Counselor to talk through life situations and assess our preparedness for the field. It was an intense two hour session, but we felt very comfortable with the session and the counselor let us know that he would be giving a good recommendation on our behalf. The main portion of the conference began after dinner. There are 171 people meeting here to learn about the job opportunities worldwide and work to make some decisions about how the next 2-3 years of their lives will look. Maybe you could think of the experience as a job fair, complete with representatives for the work in every region of the world. The people gathered are either soon to be college grads and singles, young married couples, or retirement-age adults.
The goal of the conference is to help people figure out their readiness for service and connect them with regions and job requests that would best fit them.
Is the food good? Sounds like a lot of fun actually. Must be great to spend a week together just the two of you, even if it is stressfull. Miss ya’ll.
I hope you are taking in a few morning of running. Excellent trails down by the James River.
Two full days = Two Runs!!!